Our values are anchored by the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 5:16 where he said, "Let your light shine before others in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is heaven..."

We are committed stewards of the earth. We choose solar power for its lasting and gentle-on-the-earth impact. We recognize the impact we have on our planet and take deeply our responsibility to care for God's creation to the best of our abilities.

Our core values:

God's the Boss - We recognize who is in control. We keep the Son in SonLight Power.

Care - We strive that others not just see, but feel a difference working with us. We care.

Innovation - We challenge the status quo. We grow by learning and listening. We do cool stuff.

Power of Partnership - We value collaboration to multiply impact and avoid duplicating efforts.

Lasting Impact - We value sustainable solutions to energy poverty. Our work only works if it lasts.

Embrace the Adventure - We expect an unscripted journey that's sometimes messy.

See our values woven in this unforgettable story of a SonLight Power mission team serving in Haiti: