Note: Dates for trips are approximate and move at the speed of funding. If interested in a specific SonLight Power mission trip, equipping trip, or Solar School workshop, please send an introductory email to [email protected] so we can keep you updated on the status of your preferred trip.


Want to apply your heart for service and love for Jesus to make a lasting impact? These trips are ideal for practically all skills and abilities. Whether you're interested in helping build a new solar power system for people in need, or participating in children's ministry activities, there's a spot for you on these trips. If interested, please send an introductory email to [email protected]

For information about planning your trip, costs, and fundraising, visit the Join A Mission Trip page.

Honduras: Equipping three remote, off-grid schools with solar power, in partnership with Vineyard Cincinnati Church - October 12-19, 2024

Honduras: Equipping three remote, off-grid schools with solar power, in partnership with Cobblestone Community Church (Oxford, OH) - November 23-30, 2024


Want to apply your electrical, construction, engineering, solar installation, and do-it-yourself skills to make a transformative impact? These trips are best suited for those with experience and skills working with electricity, construction, engineering, and solar installation. These projects are more complex than those installed on mission trips (see above) and will require physical labor and hands-on assistance with solar power installation, electrical wiring, and miscellaneous construction. If interested, please send an introductory email to [email protected]

Honduras: Equipping a large medical clinic with solar power to save lives through increased resiliency while redirecting resources toward patient care - February 17-25, 2024 [COMPLETED]

Honduras: Equipping a community eye clinic with solar power to improve resiliency and defray utility expenses that can be redirected to improve vision care - April 7-17, 2024 [COMPLETED]

Mexico: Equipping a campus dedicated to orphan care with solar power to defray electrical costs and redirect resources toward impact - April 27-May 11, 2024 [COMPLETED]

USA/Cincinnati: Equipping an effective nonprofit senior residence with solar power to defray electrical utility costs and raise awareness for renewable energy in the community - June 7-14, 2024 [COMPLETED]

USA/Cincinnati: Equipping a group home for women and children in crisis with solar power to defray electrical utility costs and redirect resources toward care - June 7-14, 2024 [COMPLETED]

USA/Cincinnati: Equipping an urban equine therapy center offering equine-assisted activities for disadvantaged youth, families, abuse victims, and those recovering from addiction. This project will defray electrical utility costs and redirect resources toward care - September 27 - October 3, 2024

Togo: Equipping a mission-run hospital with solar power to save lives through increased resiliency while redirecting resources toward impact. Dates to be determined, but likely Q1 2025

Togo: Equipping a mission-run youth campus with solar power to increase resiliency and expand programs for wider impact. Dates to be determined, but likely Q1 2025


Curious about solar power and how it can be used for your home, school, church, or in the mission field? This engaging workshop provides classroom and hands-on instruction in solar electric principles, solar power system design, equipment selection, and best practices for installation. For more information and to register, visit the Solar School page.

Spring 2025 (date to be determined) in Cincinnati, OH - Registration Open