SonLight Power[house] Celebration

February 2, 2008 — From Hot Off the Press, a publication of College Hill Presbyterian Church

CHPC Elder, Allen Rainey, stepped out in faith (and continues to step out in faith), when he decided to take his vision to bring light in the form of the gospel and solar power to developing countries beginning in 2001. This year, SonLight Power celebrated the Lord's work over this past year with an inspiring dinner and program.

More than 200 people attended the sixth annual SonLight Power Celebration Dinner in Fellowship Hall Saturday, Feb. 2. The sold-out, overflow crowd enjoyed a special Lance Brown gourmet dinner of Beef Wellington and all the amenities followed by a well orchestrated program with Drew Dinkelacker of Teakwood Marketing as the MC.

Alex and Carol Lucio, recently returned from their SLP mission trip, provided an update on Ecuador, and Meilyn and Mauricio Moncada, visiting from Honduras, gave a stirring testimony about what the solar power means to the poorest of people in their country.

Allen Rainey, SLP Executive Director, spoke of the 2007 SonLight projects and the future vision of SLP, including nearly 400 schools as part of the Healthy Schools Project. Allen encouraged all who want to be part of "Taking Light into Darkness" to consider going on a mission trip in the coming years — and becoming a SLP Beamer by supporting the ministry.

Recording artist Eric Hauck — and worship leader at Northminster Presbyterian Church, entertained the audience with worship tunes and his own recordings to round out the evening.

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